We have a handful of varied and interesting projects that we're currently developing. The highlights include several new homes ranging from 2,000 sf to 2,800 sf and a bar & restaurant in Dallas and Austin. Here's a look at the designs in progress...
A 2,500 sf single family home in the Holly Street neighborhood of central East Austin. Jay Bolsega is heading the design and production efforts.
This 2,000 sf house located on the outskirts of town is under the direction of principal Drew Randall.
A 3,000 sf three-story house located in the Overlook Estates near Oak Hill. This is what's known as an "upside down" house - the Kitchen and Living spaces are on the top floor (to capture the Hill Country views) and the bedrooms are on the lower floors. Nick Mehl is principal in charge.
We've had a few high-end spec projects come through the office lately and this is one of them. This 4,100 sf house located in Rollingwood will be on the market in early 2016. Nick Mehl is principal in charge.
Another trend we're seeing is a renewed interest in Mid-Century Modern design. This 2,100 sf house near Hamilton's Pool features a central entry courtyard. The courtyard may very well be the only landscaped portion of the 10 acrea property as the owners intend to keep the rest of the property in it's natural condition.