In Honor of the FIFA World Cup

No one can accuse the folks at Element 5 Architecture of lacking a sense of humor. In honor of the upcoming soccer World Cup we are taking a critical look at homes of the celebrity athletes participating in the games. As we all should know by now, money does not buy good taste...but sometimes it does.

Most soccer players (the rest of the world calls them "footballers") have rather conservative homes, contrary to their taste in lavish automobiles. Wayne Rooney (forward, Manchester United, English National Team), falls into this category. He may own several exotic Italian sports cars but his primary residence outside Manchester is all about regal elegance: 

Robin van Persie (forward, Manchester United, Netherlands) similarly exhibits a lack of imagination in his conservative digs, although it's an interesting interpretation of Neo-Georgian architecture:

One of the strangest houses from none other than one of the greatest footballers of all time, Leo Messi's "soccer ball" inspired home could stand some refinement. Loosing one's orientation in the house must be a problem.


Outside of Milan, Italian star Mario Balotelli's modest mansion at least has some roots in Italian Rennaissance design, if in contrast to his bad-boy reputation. We're sure Andrea Palladio would be impressed.


Saving the best for last, Portugese striker Christiano Ronaldo's house might be the coolest house of the group. I wish I could give the architect credit but unfortunately that information is not publicly available. 

We would have loved to feature some American soccer players. Perhaps when Austin is awarded a MLS franchise Element 5 Architecture will have an opportunity to join the list - hopefully in tasteful way.